Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Zirmed Garage Building Progress

Since there are two City Properties garages going up in the central business district, here's a picture of the second one. This one is a new parking garage next to the Zirmed Tower. Crews are currently working on the six floor of the garage. The bottom floor of it will include room for a gym. The garage is all part of the City Groups masterplan for the area. With the garage in place, they finally can start looking at developing the parking lot just south of the buildings. 


Cardtopper said...

I've heard a lot about Weyland's vision/master plan for downtown. I'd like to see what it is.

i really think a small (25-30k) stadium for an MLS team is a realistic thing to shoot for and would work, if they market it more as a family outing/social thing, similar to Slugger Field.

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